Hi, I am Lufuno

👩‍💻Front-end developer based in South Africa

Passionate Front-End Developer with SheCodes training, skilled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, seeking opportunities to leverage coding expertise in creating immersive and user-friendly web experiences. I'm always excited to connect with fellow developers and exchange insights.

🚀Ability to identify and solve technical challenges efficiently, troubleshoot issues, and debug code effectively
🚀Keen eye for detail to ensure accuracy in coding, maintain consistency in design elements, and deliver polished final products
🚀 Willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies, frameworks, and industry trends to stay current and continuously improve skills
🚀 Solid understanding of dev, content andproduct lifecycles, tech stacks
🚀Frontend engineer withknowledge of HTML, CSS, JS, APIs and Responsive strategies

See my projects